The HAO design 好築設計 FB專頁
類型: 辦公/商辦/企業總部
地點: 台北,台灣
面積: 100坪
國際大獎 :
2021 美國設計大獎 Muse Design Awards 金獎
2021 倫敦設計大獎 London Design Award 銀獎
類型: 辦公/商辦/企業總部
地點: 台北,台灣
面積: 100坪
國際大獎 :
2021 美國設計大獎 Muse Design Awards 金獎
2021 倫敦設計大獎 London Design Award 銀獎
Workings of White is a design project for the office of a company specializing in such materials as polyurethane and waterproof film. Rather than sticking to mere practicality and functionality for common factories and offices, the designer thinks outside the box and integrates the company imagery into the flow, making the space more stylish and full of vibrancy and warmth by means of more design elements. 整體空間規劃,細膩的運用「曲線」與「留白」巧妙配置,以符合經濟效益的前題來規劃大廳迎賓區、辦公空間、會議室及休息室,並將業主經營之無縫流展產品的特性融入空間中,在表達「流漾」動態視感的同時,使坪效發揮到極致。 The overall design of the space features subtle uses and clever arrangements of “curves” and “voids.” The lobby reception section, the office, the conference room and the lounge area are laid out in a cost-effective way, features of the company’s seamless “flowing” Epoxy seal products are merged into the space, maximizing footage use while creating a visual motion of “flowing.” |
Upon entering the lobby, visitors can feel the free, rhythmic flow of the space. Its visual impact comes not from costly stone or metal materials but from ingenuity. Average materials present simple but stylish and unique company imagery. The custom 6.5-meter-long white curvy sofa winds and nestles next to a wall in the lobby. It is suspended using difficult techniques and, together with the eye-catching S-shaped punched partition plates, serves to usher the flow into the office section, shaping beauty of glimmering waves when paired with special lighting design. The oval ceiling in the lobby makes the 2-dimensional curves look 3-dimensional. Interplay of light and shadow and void on the ceiling, floor and walls in the entire space makes for a visual impact. |
The shared conference room is placed in the middle of the whole office area, serving not only to receive visitors but to define the two main work sections. Glass partition walls are used all around the conference room, allowing for sufficient visual transparency. Besides, the ceiling is illuminated with U-shaped linear lights that connect different departments, while seamless flooring is deliberately utilized to reduce boundaries between sheets. The hallway, which links different departments, is defined with half-concealed vista artworks, while transparency is formed through the circular frames on partition walls. Seen from this end of the hallway is the artwork at the other end, creating a mutuality of vista beauty on either end. These visual interlinks maximize the space and retain its wholeness. Even with the divisions, the flowing rhythm proceeds freely. In the two separate work sections, different seating arrangements facing different sides are applied, thereby retaining their independence while making the space open to a proper extent. |
設計師以很不一樣的嘗試,將工業地坪等級的樹脂塗料,應用於櫃體或桌面,在表面形成一層緻密且高硬度的皮膜,有效達到耐刮、耐髒及無接縫留白的效果,便於日後的長久維護。 White woodwork is customized for the partitions between seats, walls and desktop in the conference room, evoking imagery of “void.” The designer makes an unusual attempt by applying resin coating for industrial flooring on cabinetry and desktops, forming delicate but hard membrane to make them abrasion-resistant, less prone to stain, and seamless for easy maintenance in the future. |
在精省的預算控制下,選用無縫樹脂地坪、木作、矽酸鈣板、美耐板等一般性材料來勾勒從牆面、地坪、燈具,乃至沙發、木作、桌面、櫃體…等一致性、 細緻的「白」,更貼心選用容易維護的表面塗層,將此辦公空間圍塑成令人心曠神怡、自在無負擔的白。彷彿在寧靜中,天光伴隨著白雲流展開來,靜中有動、細膩中見巧思。
By keeping the project strictly within budget and using such regular materials as seamless resin flooring, woodwork, calcium silicate boards, laminate hard plastic sheets, consistency and delicate whiteness are delineated, from the walls, flooring and light fixtures, to the sofa, woodwork, desktops and cabinetry. Coating easy to maintain is also specifically selected. In this way, a pleasant, agreeable vibe is shaped with white in this office space, as if light in the sky unfurls along with while clouds peacefully. Thus there is motion in serenity, and ingenuity in subtleness. |
#台北室內 #台中室內 #室內 #建築設計 #立面 #外牆
#現代 #豪宅 #透天 #合院 #辦公 #總部 #企業 #金獎 #國際獎
#現代 #豪宅 #透天 #合院 #辦公 #總部 #企業 #金獎 #國際獎